From today's article in OTC News Magazine.
"The agonizing truth is, just a little over one year ago, Hollund Industrial Marine had a much healthier stock price, strong and consistent volume and reflected little to no signs of dilution. Oddly, at that same time, HIMR was in a managerial transition period, had no direct claim over the TigerLynk, and lacked the commitment of sales, marketing and distribution company for their wood. Most important, the company had no money and no concession. Yet, shareholders seemed to be happy happy joy joy.
Ironically, comparatively speaking, the stock today is at the lowest price any stock can just about go. Trading volume is completely erratic and volatile, and, the charts scream of dilution. Oddly today, Hollund’s management is experienced, solid and focused. HIMR has secured an exclusive license to the TigerLynk and has won an invaluable relationship with one of the nation’s leading reclaimed and recycled wood companies. Most important, today… literally…, HIMR has secured the financing necessary to assure them the ability to close on the company’s first concession; possibly within a matter of days – at values in the tens of millions of dollars. Yet, the thrill is gone?"
The contrast exhibited in the two paragraphs above tell an interesting tale. Hollund tells us everything is fine, they are on the move, their WOO moment is at hand, and revenue is promised within the year. Yet, the dumping continues just as fast as shares can be dumped.
We are told HIMR is not diluting. Oh no, don't say that. Instead, conversion is the name of the game and that is what is happening --- to the tune of BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS OF SHARES.
And investors, well you should be jumping for joy that BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS OF SHARES are being converted, even though you do not know why and you have no idea when or even if it will stop. "Trust us," and "wait for it" are the words of the day here in HIMR land. Yet some question why the thrill is gone.