All, we need to remember why we are all here. I might be making a bad assumption, but, i am under the impression that almost all of us that have migrated to this board have done our DD and we arnt flipping this for beer and french fries. Now i know it can depressing to watch the sideways trading action, but again i remind you all....... This is break through science, real scientist, real patents and real future life changing medicine. As james, PG, meach and others have preached, buy on the dips and ride this out! We are not getting fluff PR's. There is a timeline that has been published and is being followed. Quit making your selves sick by watching the day traders get there pennies! Hang tight, our day is around the corner! This is a medicine that has to go through the FDA, this takes time and money! BE PATIENT!
Read this latest deal from the FDA!
Again! Our time is coming!