I noticed a lack of enthusiasm about that and I wonder if that's a strategic reluctance to share more information than needed. He did say the market for opioids is much smaller in Europe due to cancer patients only receiving such meds. By the time the market expands in Europe to include all kinds of pain, and not just cancer, ELTP will have a complete line available according to JT in the call.
Either way if anyone believes that the CC/Quarter/YR was a complete failure I'd have to question their IQ and investing prowess. The company is growing and that's exactly what investors want to see a micro-cap company do.
The R/S was brought up and JT understands that the majority, if not all in pennyland, fail. I do not see a R/S at all and there is no need to do one when there is growth, profitability, financing, and a cash reserve in the amount of NOVEL Labs. A R/S would increase the stock price only for it to fall back down to original levels before the R/S, per JT.