Those that can post on IHUB
Keep up the good work on the board.
Make sure that those that post don't engage the bashers because when they do the board looks sloppy and off topic of SKTO. If you read Kathy and LA posts last night they replied to each other or another investor. They ignored the bashers and The board looked positive for SKTO. Than someone engage SCM and the board look sloppy with all the reply's.
Stay on the Postive of SKTO and put out the press released and some of the DD now and then.
Keep up the good info and tell the others not to engage which also makes them get paid more.
When you are on the sideline you can see what is going on when you look at the board.
Positive boards brings new investors in.
Medical Greens is going to be big.
I go in front of the parole board on the 27th. Hope I wlll be free.