$HIMR People are watching this one close.
“I vacillated between thrilled and petrified, joyful and pukey, which meant that it was happening: I was sucking out all of the marrow of life! This was officially an adventure! To turn it into what Spalding Gray called a ‘perfect moment,’ I needed only ‘a concession,’ the great white whale of my ‘ amazing underwater wood harvesting pursuits.’”
You see, I am a shareholder and investor in a little emerging gem called Hollund Industrial Marine. Moreover, I work closely with the company on a day to day basis and have gotten the opportunity to see it all.
This is why Onstads words spoke to me. “I vacillated between thrilled and petrified,” she writes. This is my very feeling. Each day when I wake, I so luckily begin the day working with a group of people who are super passionate and well learned in ‘woodsmenship;’ each of them having pounded on their craft for years – some since adolescence. And they hail from a community of trendsetters within this field.