That's the spirit!!!!
The PPS today or tomorrow does not really matter, does it? Not for true longs! Piece by piece things are falling into place. Steve and his crew continue to work hard to make deals happen, deals that will result in BIG BUCKS! It's honestly unbelievable to me that some folks can be so dense not to see that now. It's so clear. But they need 'proof', a real picture drawn out for them. Well, they are getting it! Everything Steve has said so far has come to pass. And with the reintroduction of ICPA's logo back onto the Clearvision website...we can see that that mega deal is still on track too!! A PR any time now folks. Any time.
Investors who let their shares go at this level are truly the losers in the game. You have to be careful, you have to set your stops high or not at all, you need to know what you own and not let other dissuade you from the DD you have done yourself (or possibly others have done for you).
For folks buying now, you have a true vision. You can smell the growth prospects and see the future. You know that by the time you actually see the amazing results on the 3rd and 4th quarter and beyond, you would have already established your position at a much lower entry point.
ICPA is just now moving into a more developed stage - a revenue-generating stage. The deals it has secured this year boggle the mind. And with the connections Steve has, well there is no telling where this will go!! The man obviously has a brilliant business mind and knows how to make money and what's marketable (or cross-marketable, as the case may be). Many of his connections work the same way -- they know what sells and how to make that happen.
Did everyone catch that Jay Leopardi, the co-producer of ICPA's newest original show, 'Common Denominator' is Daymond John's right hand man at Shark Branding? Does everyone remember when Steve mentioned in passing at the last STT interview that he was working on some business with Daymond John? I wonder if this new original show was it...or if there is something else to come?!
If you really look at the press releases of late, you will see that there is a pattern. There are connections and the connections run far, wide and deep. ICPA, with the acquisition of Punch TV, is now in a far better position to take advantage of those connections for the mutual benefit of all involved, including shareholders!
Those EOD million share trades we've been seeing...yeah, well someone really, really, really wants in...and wants A LOT of shares. They will work it down until the price is to their liking -- but then where do you think the PPS will go once they get their fill(s)?! When the artificial hold is removed....LOOK OUT! I'll still be holding all my shares, plus some, at that time. The question is: will you still have a piece of the pie?
You can't win if you don't play! And here and now, I don't think there is a better play than ICPA.