Yes, I must agree here also. Steve... I think you do the company a disservice going over there. Doing so may be a form of entertainment for you, or perhaps you see some benefit in views or eyes on the company name by the number of increased views your posts create... however IMO all you really do is give them more material to bash and ridicule you with. They do quite well on their own.
In weak moments I think about posting over there, then I think... no, I just took a shower and would feel I would need another one after posting over there, so I get a hold of my emotions and resist the temptation.
Although I must admit that responding with a non-related link tonight was a good tactic at getting good information out to viewers... as long as it is not deleted. That's the problem over there... they utilize the delete-post function on anything pro-VU. Its hard to win when they practice selective enforcement of the policies.