Nice job, Thanks for taking the time and effort for all that research. I actually read through the whole thing. Very intriguing indeed.
So it is possible to see Orphan drug status this year ?
I know the 2 big PRs everyone is awaiting this year is FDA approval for trials, and the 2nd PR announcing Phase 1 of clinical trials.
I believe there are also going to be a couple of wild card PRs that will catch people by surprise, like a JV or private funding source, and or course Orphan drug status.
When I read DD like yours, it angers and saddens me that there are still fools out there trying to destroy and bash a company that its primary goal is to help people with a certain terminal and fatal disease. Of course BMSNs ultimate goal is to make a profit. But they want to do it by trying to save peoples lives. And when people bash a company trying to be humanitarian in its efforts, Its probably the most sad and pathetic group of people I have ever seen.
Its one thing to bash a gold mining, tech, oil stock, apparel or whatever stock. It just takes a certain level of pathetic sliminess to bash a medical stock trying to do good. When ever I read superior DD like the one you just did, it just solidifies my ire against bashers even more.
Thanks for taking the time to share with everyone here.