Pipa...a million thanks. I had a 1/2 hour talk with BC...about 15 minutes of which was involved with me asking him to tell the investors something.....anything at all....just to let us know Baltia is still alive and kicking.....
.....so he told me to talk to AK (or TK)....the guy who posts for Baltia....and at my request, BC texted me his cell number...
So another 1/2 hour conversation (maybe more) ensued with TK. BTW.... did you know...weaseldawg is a "friend" of Baltia's on Facebook?.....kind of makes sense ...guess it is just one logical part of his DD.
And.......I just received a personal call from ID (it is now 8:12 PM)....now.......he is the third one from Baltia to confirm the information I heard earlier. Let me say.....he was very excited....to say the least.....actually he was "bubbling". To quote,"I have great news and even greater news......."OK.....I know it is sugar coated...maybe the news isn't great great....maybe just good....but again....it is nice to hear a third voice telling me....in his own words.....that good things are happening............
Let me say this one thing.....I have quite a few retired police/detectives working with me....and since they are retired...we talk a lot about.....hmmmmm......policy. One thing for sure......when you are about to be promoted.....you do nothing. You see, the logic is, you are going to be promoted......so.....don't risk screwing something up....just ride it out....make no waves....you can't make a mistake if you do nothing at all....and your promotion is coming......just wait it out.....
Well a very small part of the very good news is that someone who was very influential in what we have been so eagerly awaiting.....finally got promoted.......and.....someone very friendly to our concerns.....took his place. BTW....that part I heard much earlier today....but my recent call confirms the important pieces without going into all the details......
So three separate calls saying pretty much the same thing. Now Hawk....I am not going to tease you...but I put this out there without any links or published facts to point to. All I can say is it is hearsay....perhaps hearsay to the third power....but sometimes it is even nice to get this rather than nothing at all.
Oh yeah.....the part about thanking Pipa....my conversation with TK about posting on facebook...say anything...say something....BECAUSE THE SHAREHOLDERS WANT TO HEAR SOMETHING.....well....you just backed up my request...and I thank you for it. In my calls I try to speak for all of us.....but it is great when someone backs up what I am saying. BTW...AK said he would consider what I was requesting. Again.....nothing in detail....nothing fluffy....just let us know in what direction things are moving.....and drop the time lines. If you have no control over when things are going to happen....leave out the VERY SOON.....but say something.......
Thanks again Pipa.............I think we had a pretty good day, even if the pps doesn't reflect that............