Ok, so I received my call. Apparently a lot of good news, but what I can say is this....
Of the four personnel who needed recertification/background checks/gov't approval/gov't interview/or whatever.....
....the call came in today......all have been approved.
All that is left now is to hear about our grades on the manuals. Tituba believes she has been in contact with someone on the other side (when we talk Tituba-ish, we are talking in the "spiritual" world) and that both thumbs are up....... just that now we need to officially receive the actual grades from someone in this world.....and so....the three week timeline is back up again......that is......Tituba believes our "graduation ceremony" will occur before the end of August.
(By the way, Tituba is a fictional character and no one by any means should use her advise for investing purposes. She does, however, enable this poster to "interpret hearsay"...either received second or third hand....and relay that information here.......)
Oh yes, Hawk..if I had to wait for Factual Fu@$ing Fact (FFF for short)........I still would have absolutely nothing to say............lol..............
That disclosure being said.............it is still possible we could see revenue flights before the end of 2012................but every day my confidence in such dwindles............
At any rate.....I have a direct call into the Baltia FB poster........now I am awaiting his return call.....
(BTW....I once mentioned that perhaps it is better that Baltia not know about this site.....I still feel that way......more so than ever.................)