Wilyfox, How could anyone go the distance? That wouldn't just be ice in the veins, but liquid nitrogen.
I recall lots of negativity on that board. I actually remember one of the longs bowing out and taking the loss one day before the run began. There were many folks crying, but it was not as focused as whats happening with RFMK board today. But the fact that the volume was very low and pps almost as low and it all turned on the dime is a good point of reference for us. That was just another e-cig at that, not a thc-e-cig.
My point is that the above discussed stock was in a dark place and time and then suddenly made millionaires out of folks like me and you.
The CANNAcig is awesome. This is the cleanest and most effective way to medicate. Some big money is going to get one, fall in love and invest. Its too good of a product not to make it big time. As long as Tom's team keeps an eye on the prize, we will succeed.
My point about the serious money is that it doesn't care for pitadog and co. They dont need his DD, big money does its own DD. I agree that a few more shares would be traded if not for bashing, but in the end I sure hope this stock can absorb the bs from a few bag holders. Perfect product, perfect time and place, fins coming, DTC eligible, marketing, exposure, Hollywood, Tom Allinder...
One day soon the perfect storm will visit the RFMK land.