Exactly .. that's why I say F3 should be traded in .002's at least. Those bid at .0004 got taken down quickly. UGHHHH. Now we have 1.6 million at .0004 to clean up. If this was in the old day, I would just clean that up with no problem.
Here comes UBSS to help block at .0004 NITE needs buddy to come save him and UBSS is doing the work. Notice, shares at .0004 that got taken out when someone bought it DID NOT come out of NITE first even NITE was the first one coming down to .0004 It might not mean much but it happens over and over and over again, 90% of the time with F3. NITE is also the one who is aggressively pushing ASK or cap the ASK with help of UBSS and VERT/PUMA/VNDM from time to time. I see the same thing here. I think shorties are in the covering mode and .0003/.0004 seem to be where it is taking place.
If what I am saying is right about NITE and UBSS at .0004, they can't cover here neither. We don't really know where those newly increased in O/S went to. Is it done so that "in-the-known" can get cheap shares and hold on to it for big increase in price coming up or it is all out in the market. So many unknown. Also if they are to sell shares directly to the market, why not more puff prs or communicate more with shareholders. It just doesn't make much sense. Actions they have taken so far is to raise doubts and make them look like a not-so-serious company so the pps would come down. Things do not quite adding up.