If our new owner has a real benevolent side to him, and throws part of his existing claims into the CWRN halloween bucket, we are looking at a snapshot of Fortesque 10 years ago, only with less shares.. Bingo said that they had a chance to have more proven reserves than any other iron miner in Mexico on Guadaloupe alone.. Can you imagine what some of the new owners properties on top of CWRN's are worth... If this guy turns out to be the real deal, we better throw him, Bob, Sharon, and Shirley one heII of a party in Vegas, because they could take us to the promised land if the iron market holds up.. Not to mention many other mineral values under our palm tree.. I was told at one time the river bed had silver in it and it was just a matter of figuring out how to extract it in the most economical way.. We already knew about the gold, copper, and aluminum.. Keep your fingers crossed the new guy doesn't roll over while 4 wheelin' before we make it.. The picture posted here a couple days ago reminded me of my younger days with some toys.. None of them survived.. Still can't figure out how I did!! LOL!!
Only one penny stock in a hundred ever makes it to the dream.. I still like our chances..
After all the stuff we have endured over the last couple years, I think we are due for a rainbow..