I'll look for it- those graphics were acquired by CWRN ca May 2011--before this board opened- somewhere in drilling these lower holes- holes 69-73, they discovered the Samson vein-and once they got higher on the hill and reached the Coloso area where they covered up for now they were following and using the Samson Vein as it cut S away from the Coloso- 73 holes -not 1 dry--the Apr 2012 PR talked about building a possible beneficiation plant w Bao but then govt tried to confiscate the ore at port- CWRN won that suit (1 of the suits referred to by the PR- neither of which frankly threatened CWRN w bankruptcy-the other being something CWRN alleges Geo did illegally in Mex and would be held responsible for) shortly before last ship left- thats why the ore finally shipped. plus "27000 tons other inventory" as PR says
Chinese are VERY familiar w beneficiation- a process to enrich the ore %- as ore being mined by Chinese last we knew was only averaging 15% and falling whereas CWRN's waste of waste -the fert- tested at 55.42-5.92%