These are the pics madflight discovered via good old dd- they are found on the web elsewhere- not on stock boards- and were not supplied by CWRN or KMG or their "servants" or employees
As noted by the posted google pic these were taken from the KMG concession which borders the N 1/2 baja 14 on the side where CWRN's Coloso vein is- KMG's concession to my knowledge could not be the area that was covered over pending a beneficiation plant--I have a pic of that area supplie dbyCWRN and posted a long time ago by me here and on the flub by either rocket (now militiaman I guess) or myself, which I will look for- but that area was on baja 14 not in the area of the KMG concession,which KMG (Navial) owned prior to the covering up of that one area and certainly prior to Brads buying out of Bob
see the ground clearing area of the mountain on the left side of pic- thats the iron mine next to CWRN that started after CWRN but gave up-most juniors fail and perhaps 20 would be iron mines asked for Bobs advice because Bob was the 1st one w a successful iron mine in Baja- CWRN's mine is opposite that on the east side of the highway off the pic to the left