You are right Mayhem. I maintain that William is silent because he wants investors to lose interest and move on --- most already have. The people who claimed to have secrete meetings and private phone calls have done nothing, and this is why I still say these stories were just that. In fact, I have never believed the stories of private meetings and secrete phone calls, because in my experience William does not operate like that. However, if he finds an investor who is gullible, he will play with them and even encourage them. I do not think the story-tellers are guilty of "insider trading." Instead, I believe a strong case can be made for fraud. And, I think there are enough messages posted on IFlop to prove the case against them.
Yet, my own posts which came directly from William Lieberman stating the stories were untrue and complete nonsense were all deleted by the mods and mocked. To this day, they have still done nothing --- Likely for fear the courts will come knocking on their doors.