Hey guys, I wanted to stop by and check in with all of you. I was at Clear Vision most of the day so I did not watch the trading today. When I got back home I saw we where down today. The most difficult thing for me, is from my vantage point it's much easier because I know the price we see now is in no way a reflection on the true value of what we have here. Now, why would that be difficult? I receive calls and emails which I grab between meetings from shareholders that are long and cared enough to take the time to reach out and get some reassurance. I realize during those calls more then ever that my view point is so different then yours. I know how hard it is on you when bashers beat up the company spreading false rumors and making negative statements. I want to let you guys know that we are doing some amazing things. A year ago we had some websites and today there are 10 million homes in New York City that can watch a TV network which we own. And, that is just one of the cities we are in. We have so many opportunities in front of us that we are working our way through and the future for our company looks incredible from where I stand. What's exciting is as each day passes and deals unfold I can share these with you and your perspective will grow as well. There are no mysteries to the stock market. If you grow your company into something that people want to be a part of, they will purchase shares. Buying makes prices rise. We are all working everyday to create a company that our shareholders can be proud and excited about. Every night before I go to bed I think to myself have I done everything I can today. Have I taken every extra step to find another niche of value and am I ready for tomorrow. As long as I and rest of my team finish each day this way, I believe the stock price will follow.