I just spoke with Jason. Of course he continues to spout the patented line but seemed in a very good mood. He said they were glad to see a bid again. I asked him about uplisting and he did say that was still in their plans but needed a little more meat on the bone. He said their lobbyist was doing an incredible, incredible job for himr as was Sheldon Romain. I asked him about Lake Gatun in Panama Kgem discovered and he let out a big horse laugh like do you guys know everything? He said it was an absolutely gorgeous lake with the best fishing in the world. I said sounds like you have been there and he said well, it is a very famous lake. As usual he was non-committal on everything. I said I guess all we can do is sit and wait and he said that is correct. I got no time frame from him, but he did say there were only 3 companies doing this harvesting and himr was going to be by far the best and Hollund stands to be a very good investment and an outstanding company. He said the people in management were doing everything they could and were doing it the right way. So guess we can still wait and see. I did not detect any negatism in his tone at all.