Can anyone explain the wording in todays PR? Does this statement imply that TECO is currently receiving better than 60 BPD on Mitchell no. 3 as compared to the original 30 BPD that was PR'd? Do they mean to say that Mitchell no. 4's action, geology, pressure, whatever has helped double the BPD from the Mitchell no. 3 or do they mean to say Mitchell no. 4 BPD is double that of Mitchell no. 3?
IMO anything less than 80 BPD total between the two wells is a disappointment so I really hope we are getting 90-120 BPD from 3 and 4. Listen to the CC! 80-100 BPD "minimum" and CFP once that happens. I bought shares at that time based on those numbers and nothing less. Didn't TECO have initial geology reports back in Febuary or are they speaking about the wirelining and samples performed a couple weeks ago?