Thanks 4 the info Day; we WANT your posts!
Indeed ICPA is on CC website. every single day good news is seeping in. its just a matter of time when the big-shot investors come in> i think it will be when CC officially releases the PR. In anycase CC validating Steve's "CC is a done deal" observation, by placing ICPA logo on their website ( as a partner)
Our CEO is integrity so deep-- he is honest( with us investors) to the bone in my ipiniuon -- thats why i call him Stevie wonder! Which CEO has trhe bal*s to come on a bpoard to interact with the investors??? why does he do it? coz he has NOTHING to hide and empathizes with us investors.
I THINK THIS IS THE BEST INVESTMENT IVE EVER MADE ( I look at the future value not todays of course)
Future will reveal much and vindicate my view/opnion/ choice/investment ( when this reaches NASDAQ)