I agree too - with both of you, Skorogi and Jeff.
I think he's name dropping Clovis for a couple of reasons. One is because of the trial model Clovis used is international - Europe and US. The other may be that Clovis just presented 3 phaseI/II posters at ASCO - impressive in itself - but that was on just 2 drugs. Leo is creating an association of worth of his company in the minds of investors - or trying to, anyway. If Clovis can hold sp in the 60s on 2 compounds that have only completed phI/II testing and a third that is still in preclinical - then the value of ctix can be dramatically increased soon as their second compound trials in August. Association. Just as promising - still a steal. That's my guess anyway - that Leo is creating association and working on psychology and sentiment in investor community. It's actually not a bad strategy.