Nice. Prurisol trial looks like it'll be right on time. If 60 day stability research window started June first - trial on time to start in August as forecasted. Confirmatory pretrial update will come in July then.
Easily could have p21 results by then. Leo said DF wanted more samples before testing. If they have met that minimum batch requirement now - we could hear any day. Though they are 'queued' as Bio noted, the new molecule research unit has dedicated lab facilities and can move specs thru quite efficiently. This lab is named The Clinical Research Laboratory. They do not compete with the larger hospital system in general and do not compete with the majority of the agents being studied in the system. In this interview: ( - Dr. Shapiro says they see about 200 trial patients a year in the Early Drug Development Center. We should not, in my opinion, be waiting much longer. What we may see though is that the dose is still too small for the activation we're waiting for.