We are not selling shares! I have said this time and time again. I could not me more tired of people spreading this lie.
Our last reverse split was years ago and has nothing to do with where we are today. As far as A/S being a reason for a current share price, that is not correct at all. Most public companies have this or more authorized. Nobody looks at authorized shares and makes a trading decision if they know anything about the stock market. Lenders may look at how close your our to authorized, but that is the only time this comes up. It is the reason we increased.
As far as needing millions in revenues for the price to recover. You are wrong about this. We need to build a roster of shows and launch the network. As we do this new shareholders will discover us and we will build that shareholder base which will support the stock price. As we build this revenues will come.
Everything you brought up in your post is the stuff the dirt bags on lie hub say every day over and over and its all lies. You are just saying it in a nicer way.
Needs millions or he stock will die.
Company is dumping
R/S is coming
Authorized is to high