After reviewing Monday June 10 activity, I was intrigued what the pattern/if any/during a specific time of day would show, all within a week before an official Conference Call, so I posted the screenshots of the end of the day starting on Monday.
All screenshots from June 10, 2013 - June 14, 2013
A full week Compilation of Time and Sales Screenshot, the week BEFORE the Conference Call of June 17, 2013 Conference Call. All 5 days are included in this post.
Monday June 17, the market activity should be heavily observed by all interested parties, to see for any major trade activity just hours before their CC call. Whatever happens Monday is left to the unknown.
Well for now, enjoy the screenshots, while I go enjoy a few drinks.
(screenshots compressed to save space)
FRIDAY June 14, 2013
THURSDAY June 13, 2013
WEDNESDAY June 12, 2013
TUESDAY June 11, 2013
MONDAY June 10, 2013