Why did wordprocessors obsolete typewriters?
In the early '80's, the typewriter manufacturers responded to the introduction of PC's with wordprocessing with "correctable" line at a time, semi-intelligent typewriters. Since a PC system was $2-3K at the time, the price point of $500-700 for a "correcting" typewriter was deemed competitive.
As we all know now, they were wrong. The typewriter manufacturers didn't really understand that their product was "perfectly typed" and readily modified documents. A word processor on a PC enabled even bad typists to do "perfectly typed and laid out" documents and the ability to reuse and update without retyping the same document. This reality dramatically expanded the market for printers and disrupted the typewriter industry into a near "buggy whip" status.
Today, it seems that the power wheelchair manufacturers are making the same mistake. For example, the DC drive gearmotors in most power wheelchairs have a direct manufacturing cost of $150-300 each. A "quality" power wheelchair has a direct manufacturing cost of about a thousand dollars, plus or minus a few hundred depending on quality and whistles and bells.
I believe GOSY's SafePath power wheelchair upgrade, in OEM quantities, can be done for a direct manufacturing cost of less than the 2 DC motors AND expand the power wheelchair market 50-100% since so many are denied wheelchairs due to physical infirmities that preclude safe control!
GOSY's SafePath seems to be a disruptive technology for the wheel chair industry, just like the word processor diminished (ended?) the typewriter market.
GOSY has SafePath, now!
This is why GOSY is no doubt in negotiations with those wheelchair manufacturers that understand that they are not in the wheelchair business, but in providing safe, personal conveyance and independence of individuals, despite any physical challenges they may be managing.