Very interesting since every post on the rival "G" board has been facts and there are some pretty ugly ones. For those who have not read that board, the CEO applied for an exploration permit under WSRA, listing Don Jenkins as the professional geologist and the permit was DENIED.
He then took an asset of WSRA's and in the JV and transferred the Lease to himself. (I think that is known as raiding company assets.)
He submitted a POO and applied for the permit and it was approved in his name! There are NO MOTORIZED vehicles or equipment allowed on this Arizona State Trust Land Lease.
This is not the same as a BLM mining claim - whole different set of rules!
The POO allows the extraction of 50 5 gal buckets of gravel that must be dug by shove and hand carried across some 300 acres to their vehicle!
They sure look heavy to me! Those 2 companies are a sick joke on investors.
There is a lot more but this is the SIRG board so let's let them die a slow death caused by deception over there.