I posted this on I hub and think it is a resolution and would make us all whole again.
How is the attorney for the share holders? We need to file a lawsuit so we can all become whales. I need a new car... Remember you folks hit the ball across the net and many balls will be returned. It is not like you did not sign your name to the petition. It is public record and that is all it takes. There are punitive damages to pay. Let me know if you want to settle out of court. I will except .05 per share for all shares of treaty, and not prosecute. Otherwise a counter suite will be filled in the next 2 years. If any longs finds this acceptable they may join me. I will be on investor hangout. The money will be distributed with no % for me other than my shares. After we are paid we will no longer hold you responsible for any jail time. I would like to settle this out of court.
Is this ok with everyone hear?