Very good
Ex parte inherently violates certain constitutional protections and violates normal statutory notice required to be given to the other party-tereby impacting the other parties rights
Thus as a balancing act, exparte motions/proceedings are only allowed in very limited circumstances- the most common being an injunction or restraining order-where the legal standard is threat of immediate and irreparable injury -a very difficult standard to meet- and thats not applicable here
ex parte also usually only brought at beginning of a case- also not applicable here- Geo was served ca Sept 2012 and until now has refused to show in the case as indicated by court records-and had every opportunity to show since Sept 2012-andthus imo Geo has waived all right to be heard and if I was the judge I would be pissed for Geos defacto contempt of court and wasting the courts time and efforts in this case since Sept 2012
so imo their use of an ex parte motion-no doubt without the required statutory 5 business day or whatever it is in that juris notice to CWRN et al is not appropriate
the time for defendants Geo et al to argue for arbitration would've been at the beginning of the case
every jurisdiction has its ambulance chaser lawyers-and there is often 1 worse than the others-and the entire legal community is usually aware of the tactics of that particular king of ambulance chasers. E'g. I'm aware of 1 juris where judges want to give lawyers a special pass to avoid the practically strip search procedures now employed at a courthouse but they are afraid the king ambulance chaser-who should've been disbarred a long time ago-would bring a gun-so the judges are pondering what to do-
there is a Code of Professional Responsibility and Judicial Conduct which all USA lawyers are required to adhere to in their capacity as officers of the court but it in my experience is very loosely enforced and was,along w all ethical matters in a mind numbing logic defying runaway legal system which has completely violated the ethics, constitutional provisions and intents of the founding fathers since 1962, as per scores of millions of Americans -and thus ethics was the subject of derision in law school and practice is even worse.
In my opinion,exercising my free speech rights, Geos lawyer and the principal defacto cult leader of defendants, are ambulance chasers and have been employing tactics that would imo qualify as the king of ambulance chasers in the jurisdiction I'm most familiar with- where the king is somebody I've had plenty of personal experience with.
These ambulance chasers specialize in manipulating the system and I've spent decades pioneering approaches to stop that manipulation and abuse of the legal system-but it takes a lot of effort to put a runaway train back on the tracks- and almost all people of conscience have imo and that of scores of millions of others been eliminated from the profession from the very 1st day of law school by the process of brainwashing and craft employed in law school and the political litmus tests employed to bar people of conscience from the profession.
E'g at the law school I attended they taught us from the very 1st day that "their is NO justice- it isnt about justice - their is no right or wrong- forget EVERYTHING YOU HAVE LEARNED -WE WILL TEACH YOU WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW (its called cult brainwashing-I immediately recognized the demonic brainwashing process because I grew up in a cult by birth) You are a hitman."
And I thought-what -now I'm in the mob? Their are numerous cults which openly profess to control and own and manipulate the legal system at will- and I have opened scores of lawyers eyes to the reality of this in cases where cults are openly hypnotizing the judges on the spot to blatantly violate every statute and rule of law-and the scores of lawyers who look at the situation recognize the cults control of the legal sytsem for the 1st time and all of them say in those cases
"The court cant do these things. Unprecedented fraud. Nobody would believe the fraud. I've never seen anything like this in my 40 years of practice [they have -all court lawyers will say things have happened in cases for which they had no logical explanation because their limited ignorant world view would not allow them to recognize what was occuring] "You have made a believer out of me re the craft. Judges are involved. It would take a task force to unravel this"
And the kicker which explains why these wicked manipulators are always allowed to gain the upper hand until it takes something like a world war to set things straight again: "This is way over my head - I dont want to get involved-i dont want to jeopardize my standing- me me me and only me-YOU TAKE CARE OF IT". Many leaders have recognized I was the only 1 in the nation to grow up in the type of cult I grew up in without being captured by it.
Thus not 1 person in the system has stood w me in fighting this growing manipulation/ death of democracy -though millions recognize the manipulation and believe in the cause -good people WONT fight or even support those who are-and so when martial law is declared and good people are jailed without due process or executed for their beliefs-not for anything they have done-hey religious persecution world wide has unlawfully jailed and killed more people than anything else-and its growing in the USA-very few will have any excuse for what happens to them if they wont renounce their beliefs and a follow the homogenous party line that the present legal system is designed to execute as a purposeful agent of change to turn our freedoms upside down-in blatant violation of the constitution-which is not respected or taught or believed in by the present legal system
I grew up in 1 of the cults which increasingly control the system and they commanded I become a lawyer as part of their very successful manipulation of the system and every power center that concerns them-good people are double-minded and thus only 1/2 good and arent willing to sacrifice to fight this growing manipulation/control by the cults. It similar to the selfish process of appeasement and apathetic devil may care "what does that have to do we me-I only care about me" thought process that particularly characterizes this "me me me and only me" generation.
It was such a thought process that allowed possessed Hitler -who hypnotized an entire nation- to bring the entire world to the edge of the abyss. But just as it was in Hitlers day the even greater dangers being conducted in this generation are being ignored by the big "me me me and only me" middle who wont stand and fight for the freedoms won at such a high price by previous generations.
Almost everybody of conscience thus quit law school in the 1st few days but I couldnt because I was under the command of the cult leader-had no other instructions from my boss at the time who I later learned wanted me to have that education so I could fight that manipulation;and although I was the only one who successfully opposed the cult leader and stopped them from killing countless people and broke up that cult and many other cults at the time I would have endangered family members lives and had to wait for the right timing. Good people are not willing to pay the price- thus many leaders prophesied over me since 1989, "Nobody else would have survived what you have been through-nobody else was willing to pay the price to deliver this deeply deceived ....." and I didnt tell those leaders anything of what I had experienced -my boss revealed it to them.
The bad people CAN be stopped -their are ways-but neither my boss nor I can violate peoples free wills-and good people have defaulted the battlefield via their own selfish double-mindedness. Bad people win because they are single-minded (have no choice) and totally controlled by the puppetmaster and have no mind of their own so ALL their energy/lives are devoted to destruction and thus attack relentlessly without reason or measure.
I say these things because longs have been first hand witnesses to the never before seen manipulation by otc dtc brokers mm's sec doj etc that has plagued and destroyed the penny market for longs since fall of 2009-and thus I've detailed this manipulation in thousands of pages-my purpose for being here has been to expose and stop that manipulation which is destroying longs across the market-but though many longs have lost their homes here and some their lives like my best friend due to this shorter conspiracy/manipulation not 1 long has even understood what I was talking about -let alone come into agreement w me to stop this manipulation-and so 1 day my boss will instruct me to shake the dust off my feet and let the shorters destroy all longs-
since not 1 has wanted to be free of that manipulation (double-mindedness) enough to agree w me to stop it and u wont have me to kick around or do the vast majority of dd for you without pay, whereas the shorter leaders are all paid. Hey I dont mind doing the work but I have to eat like everybody else and all my life the lazy good people have let me do all the work for them without even reimbursing me for my expenses which gets tiresome after more than 50 years waiting for good people to grow up and join me in the fight
Done by, for, or on the application of one party alone.
An ex parte judicial proceeding is conducted for the benefit of only one party. Ex parte may also describe contact with a person represented by an attorney, outside the presence of the attorney.
Under the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, "No person shall … be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." A bedrock feature of due process is fair notice to parties who may be affected by legal proceedings. An ex parte judicial proceeding, conducted without notice to, and outside the presence of, affected parties, would appear to violate the Constitution. However, adequate notice of judicial proceedings to concerned parties may at times work irreparable harm to one or more of those parties. In such a case, the threatened party or parties may receive an ex parte court hearing to request temporary judicial relief without notice to, and outside the presence of, other persons affected by the hearing.
Ex parte judicial proceedings are usually reserved for urgent matters where requiring notice would subject one party to irreparable harm. She will have to show the judge that she had no reasonable opportunity to provide Reggie with formal notice of the hearing, and that she might win the case. The court will then balance the potential hardships to Reggie and Veronica, in considering whether to grant Veronica's request.
A court order from an ex parte hearing is swiftly followed by a full hearing between the interested parties to the dispute.
Ex parte contact occurs when an attorney communicates with another party outside the presence of that party's attorney.