Generac. Ok, this is totally off topic but kinda funny. Not much else going on here so I thought I would share it with all of you.
Was 21 (1977) and working at Generac about three weeks or so. This guy started hanging around the wire machine I was operating and asked me out. I go out with him for pizza and it was a so so time, not anything spectacular by any means.
The next day several people came up to me individually and asked if I realized I had gone out with my supervisor's boyfriend. Did I have any idea how ticked off she was? Haha, I had not a clue this guy was her squeeze and that surely made for a bad work vibe! Got in an accident on a foggy road a few days later on the way to work and broke my leg. I guess she was walking around asking where I was and why I was late. Someone said there had been a bad accident and it may have been me, to which she scoffed. Needless to say, she wasn't about to hire me back ... I did like the money but my god, is factory work boring!
So tell your children to make sure that person hitting on them at work isn't dating their supervisor!