Thanks for posting the share structure stats but you do realize that practically ALL PK stocks experience "ONGOING" stock dilution, yes?! Most PK stocks are millions of dollars in debt and have no product, etc. RFMK at least has a decently clean balance sheet, a product, and a funding agreement which provides them with operating cash of $50k/month. So it is not surprising to see a 5% dilutive event immediately before the company attempts to launch a brand new "disruptive" product out into the market. Of course, IMO none of that is an excuse for the CEO to hand out half a million dollars for unexplained "services" of certain insiders at the expense of shareholders coupled with broken promises of 10K, audit, uplisting, etc. I imagine by now we are all fully aware of how much dilution has gone on in RFMK over the last year or two and what the company got back in exchange for issuing all those shares. We have beaten the dead horse about dilution many times so I think we all fully understand the nature of the RFMK story. Just putting it all in perspective and all just my own opinions.
You must unlearn what you have learned.