TRTC Why So Interesting !!
Bio·Vegetable & Marijuana-Hemp & Green Tech - Terra Tech Corp - USA
( Also Medical )
Here The Reality As Not From TRTC Presented :
TRTC with its State Of The Art Best Plant Grow Technology as from
Holland the World Lieder & Inventor of Hydroponics or Hydro-Culture,
is bringing this to the Out-Dated & Old-Fashion US Farming !!
By Vande Vrede Family with 40 years experience orig. from Holland
and Ken Vande Vrede COO at TRTC !
Americans, sorry for this, but what is better, to ignore the Reality or
by applying it to make the Best out of it by copying the Europeans
which have so many advantages to offer ??
To have an idea of what it means by TRTC, here shown the YouTube
Video of Arkse Kwekerij - Tomatoes Greenhouse as only one of many
Holland Companies which by Hydroponic do produce for the complete
European Population of 490 Millions : ( Holland only 17 Mn People ! )
TRTC right now in NJ is building a fully automatically Plants Production
with the big size of 5 Acre for Production and as a model for the US
Farming Industry to offer and sell complete Greenhouse Companies !
This also for Farmers to produce for TRTC’s Edible Garden Brand.
TRTC Overview & Up- Dates !
Here below in contrast a link presented from US- Investors
which by such trying to reduce the TRTC - Stock Price
by declaring this as one of many big competitors :
Now every Investor can clear make-up its mind by itself
without the need of any Basher- or Pumper- IDIOTS !!
Happy TRTC Investing
TRTC News Event - June 5, 2013
INVESTOR ALERT - TRTC Revenue Up 1200 % !!
TRTC In $ 20 Billion Market !!
TRTC & Bayer Crop Sciences !!
TRTC Forum - The Place To Be :