I can understand the frustration for the ones who bought in lets say at 3 or 4 cents ago and the drop to where we are at now, is horrible. You can thank the quicker flippers for that.
We broke the 200 DMA line down, and that doesn't help, but all that will eventually change..
EPGL is a company where one should focus on growth and follow up on every verified news on their progress.
A lot of people get too impatient, well thats too bad.
PWC and Michael Hayes makes no mention of dumping EPGL shares, nor would they ever especially in this timeframe.
We only have seen 1 quarter financials as of yet.
There is no crystal ball to see into the future, but you can research archived past news and company sources and piece them together that way to get your cards in order.
I too, if I got in at 4 cents and decided to hold long and the drop to where we are at now, truly disgusst me, but then the opportunity to buy a few more at these prices may also be a gift to get in, by doing so, is now limiting the short quicker flippers for buying up at these cheap prices, the more longs that hold, the more obvious the better.
There are traders, yes that is true, but to squeeze them out of availability of the shares, will hurt the short flippers, since more people hold long, the better.
Its just common sense.