You mean why no one talks on the Nasdaq/NYSE exchange boards on there at idiothub?!?
Idiothub MILKS their subscribers with all their Level 2 "penny" views and at the same time they probably hire out fits to bash the companies at the same time to milk its cash flow of penny stock holders. Kinda strange why ATDF was called out recently for "intentional blocking" huh?
It does not take that much for an unethical firm to keep price down for "penny" holders especially if they know it may have potential to get out of the cycle.
You see no views on the large boards because the Official Brokers take over and provide FREE Level 2 quotes to all their own clients since those big boards are already on NASDAQ/NYSE.
Told you so and others a while back ago.
You figure it out.
We only speak truth on this board and questions like yours gets answered.