Good having you here zgraen...
KMA Global IR has been very responsive to my questions and concerns (and very recently too) so I have no worries as I continue holding and even accumulating my KMAGgie gem!
Mr. Reid is so focused, committed and knowledgeable about all that's been discussed, debated or opined here and elsewhere. The only one who matters and knows what he needs and can do is the only one I listen to. Not a businessman who’s letting any of his precious children wither away but working hard on and for both of them… every day this week and always.
I suspect from the very beginning he's had all options on the table and worked them simultaneously as that's the kind of man and reputable CEO Mr. Reid is.
And not only has our strategic leader bought back the 37.1M shares, as was disclosed last year, but I believe more since... so he's holding long term more than 216M and I'm taking that to the bank!
It's all about what you know, your money and whether you believe!
Very best to all with our KMAGnificent!