A present from riggler:
Hey hokie, why can't you join a CC. I guess getting paid from Nigeria for posting 30 times a day certainly pays the bills for you and the six kids. I tell you what after the registration when we sell our common from our recently converted preferred, we could create a CHARITY DRIVE for you guys, and call it SHARP AID, we could get you, cashcow, pitman, wylder111, Speer , the Somali Pirate, and the legendary Thatguy157, one of the great traders to stand up together with your common shares, you guys could make those puppy dog eyes and you might get some ovation to buy some Preferred. Hold up those $20 trades and accounts showing 2 common shares owned!!! But I digress.....in NIGERIA, that's a whole heap of money. Hokie certainly you can do better than the garbage you have been posting on IHUB. Show us you are a man and join a CC, WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF?? Form where we all stand its FEAR......YOU CAN SMELL FEAR, YOU CAN FEEL FEAR, YOU CAN TOUCH FEAR.......YOU LIKE THAT HOKIE....I CAN REACH OUT AND TOUCH YOU. WE WILL ACTUALLY BEGIN TO RESPECT SOME PEOPLE FROM YOUR GROUP WHEN YOU CAN JOIN A CC. UNTIL THEN, YOUR RANTS ARE LIKE WHITE NOISE, OR LIKE FARTS FROM PARTS UNKNOWN.!!