The rules of BMSN investors hangout :
These rules are not meant to harm anyone. These rules are not meant to deter anybody from posting. They simply exist so we can keep this board free of robots and "internet trolls". Lets keep this clean and full of good DD
1) No SPAM posts;
robots, copy and paste, pasting the same thing over and over, spinning information with no factual evidence for the negative post for no reason that is good to those on this board. (except to short and distort).
2) No robot/automated posts.... Every link (unless asked for) should have at least a title, or a summary/information about it.... Posts with just a link are just clutter. That includes automatically fabricated posts from a program.
3)Keep the foul language to a minimum, and its fine if there is a little here and there- we are people. We are not perfect. Lets try to not personally attack anybody either, and lets keep our emotions in check.
That is all I can think of for now- Gus and I went over these. Please PM me if you want another rule or addition.
Thank you very much for your good DD and posts!
Posted On: 06/06/2013 2:13:58 PM
Post# of 5066
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