$TLVA closed down 60% .008 on TINY volume CHEAP. DONT BE FOOLED BY BASHERS. MONSTER RUN COMING. 22 mil float with over 50 wireless towers!!! Very THIN to 6 cents. Shorters trying to use scare tactics but there are REASONS THAT the MM's were jumping each other on the bid 2 days ago right at open when it opened at a 200% gain. Please can THEY EXPLAIN why? The bashers are in full force on the TLVA there are dummies out there trying to throw smoke as if they know whats going on. They claimed that the filing was not for TVLA but for another co. Tried to assert that TLVA is a California corporation named Transnational Financial Network, Inc. Telava Networks, the Nevada corporation used this shell, but the reverse merger was rescinded. TelavaNetworks became a subsidiary of Unilava (UNLA). And the filing the other day was for Telva and not TVLA. REALLY? So I ask this FACT.... WHY did TVLA close at .0007 & open 0026 OUT of THE BLUE on the same day of the Reinstatement??? FACT Only MM's and directors of the company can buy such shares since retail traders cannot buy shares of otc stocks in the AH. Is it a mere COINCIDENCE that it happened on the same day of the filing? THE FLOAT? Thin as Salami.... another FACT. Closed at an 1185% gain on less than 750k shares traded, and then reached a high of 250% gain the next day on just 300k shares traded FACT. The same fool claimed that the O/S is 148 million... REALLY? There is NO WAY that the O/S is 148 million, not when it moves as fast as it does on such TINY volume. Tricks r for kids Dig deeper.. Check out officers on reinstatement form all associated with Talava TLVA 22 mil float with over 50 wireless towers!!!.. Could a merger be taking place?... Google the officers all connected.. Stars are lining up!!!!... HANDS ARE STRONG HERE MM ARE BEGGING FOR SHARES. This could be a life changer with the float this thin and LOCKED UP. This dummy is the moderator of a popular discussion board for TLVA and joined forces with another fool to disseminate false info which the newbies bit hook line and sinker, and began given away their shares at discount today. Since TLVA is EXTREMELY thin it falls on little money just as fast as it flies, their loss, I am loading and eating as many shares as I can before the obvious is brought to light. I cannot understand how these fools can listen to words of 2 dummies and ignore reputable sites like ... let me see here OTCMARKETS.COM! BLOOMBERG, every brokerage site... etc. LOOK AT THE LINKS BELOW. Who do YOU BELIEVE?
Here is Bloomberg,Executive Profile* Daniel Duplechan is listed as President and director of of transitional Financial network which is also Telava Networks Inc. http://investing.businessweek.com/research/st...rson.asp... How about otcmarkets.com they must be WRONG TOO http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/TLVA/company-info I really do not have much time, but do your DD and ANYWHERE you check you will find the same. Go to scottrade and look at the ticker, what website do they connect with TLVA? you guessed it http://www.telava.com/ something HUGE is brewing here. With a little volume AS IT HAS SHOWN, this can run to 6 cents and above with ease. I'M LOADING.