A simple method is that if you know your post contains very good info, but have a feeling that idiothub will delete it, then you post the exact same post on the hangout board as for your own "insurance". Make sure you change your ihub signature to remind people that the exact post you just read was also posted on another public message board. (mentioning no names of course)
This way later you can go back to your post, and if it really was deleted you can just casually say, "oh well, at least it was posted on the other board" and let other people who read that wonder about it.
idiothub bans people indefinitely since they can trace the ip address, cookies and time zone usage just from your computer alone. If you have another computer, and contact your internet provider to re-issue you a new ip address, and change your schedule habits, and other simple things you can then go back on idiothub, .(but honestly, its not even worth it, ) unless you just use it to private message or contact people on the idiothubs Friday only afer market closes Happy Hour 1 hour free private message thing on there. Hackers with free time do weird stuff like that, only saying from opinions of course.
Its best to let people gradually figure out the sham of ihub, but of course to inform but not spam them is also the other method. A gradual awakening is best.