Yes, it is very interesting and illuminating as well. Just as in the movie "Species" when the characters spliced the DNA to grow a living sample containing the alien DNA only in order to see the raw alien form to discover weaknesses, the removal of many of the fair balanced RFMK posters on the "other" one has cast light on the true form of the underlying dark matter of the insects at the scum swamp of the under belly of the pk market forums. It is a fascinating experiment and it has illuminated the dark side for what it is for all to see. At this point, the bashers continue to spread rumor and doubt, attempting to deceive all about the RFMK story, attacking management personally and spreading wild speculative fears associated with the trading of the stock vehicle and the DTC when really the RFMK story is about the progress and potential success of the company, not the stock. Sure, investors can buy the stock to own a stake in the company but we all know that very often the stock of a company does not trade in tandem with the real valuation, progress or prospects of the company, especially in the pink sheets market. The speculative chatter and nonsense being spread around the "other" board is just noise, it means absolutely nothing. The RFMK company itself has a particular business plan and growth path which is shaping up just fine these days. The question is, when will these poor souls finally realize that no amount of spreading of fear and aggression in attacking a micro cap start up company will necessarily force it into non-existence? I dont think any can clearly understand the alterior motives but one can postulate that it could be based on such dark forces having either an axe to grind for whatever reason or else money to be made in some way shape or form.
Do or do not, there is no try.