Your posts today were, as usual, spot on. I'm in hopes that Tom has a sounding board to help him guide the way. While I am constantly sustained by your welcome messages, my sales & marketing background is kicking in some warning signs that I sincerely hope Tom has in his sights.
As I see it, the biggest problem for RFMK is having its revenue stream catch up to its sales demand. Taking on partners the likes of GotVape puts an incredible burden on Tom to provide on-time delivery. A company like GotVape has achieved their success by meeting their commitments to the buying public. RFMK MUST be in a position to meet the requirements of such a formidable vendor.
Having all these orders mounting up is a great position to be in; but, If Tom doesn't have the funding he is automatically set up for more dilution which is counterproductive to his months of arduous work.
There is a limit to the effectiveness of dilution and I think Tom is pretty much at that limit. Hopefully, the up-listing will happen quickly (probably Tom's priority) and the pre-arranged funding will kick in. That, my friend, is our best hope.
Next week will bring us all to our feet. I think we'll understand more how Tom is steering this ship. GLTY