Still a little loopy from the shots, But this reads and sounds like DUTV.
Broadband Enabled Society - enabling broadband anytime, anywhere, on any device
Maybe nothing, Translated to english cant have everyone having the same look on there face. LOL
The Internet has changed the lifestyle of the billions of people in the world and provide benefits for social life. Internet today has widened the most significant communications technology is used as a phone or voice-based services (voice). With virtually millions of users every day, the Internet has an impact on all aspects of our lives the way we work, spend leisure time, and look for information on public services. New generation who grew up with instant messaging services, download music, videos on call, surf, blog, tweet, facebook (facebook users currently in Indonesia has exceeded 24 million users), be way more interactive and more privacy to be able to access it The anywhere and using any device.
High-speed broadband Internet access has accelerated the change and provide direct benefits from the so-called 'digital revolution'. Indonesia is currently in the customer's own Internet users has reached 30 million users with a penetration rate that is 12.5% ??of the total population of Indonesia (http://www.internetworldstats.com). This number increased significantly compared to the number of Internet users in 2000 reached 2 million subscribers. From the data shown also that the penetration rate is still lower compared to neighboring countries such as Vietnam (25.7%), Thailand (24.4%), Philippines (24.5%), and Malaysia (65.7%) .
Benefits to Society
Grow the digital community should be a priority of the government through access to broadband service to be able to provide benefits in terms of socio-economic aspects. Where various aspects can be improved such as education, health, security, communications, industrial, research. Broadband correlation to each sector are very closely where the position is as a resource broadband. With broadband, creativity communities are expected to grow while also facilitating innovation and the development of user-based content, such as social networking and personal blogs. This opens up business opportunities entrepreneur in terms of applications, content, etc.. However, the full benefits of broadband such as e-government, e-health and e-learning can only occur if access to affordable broadband services to all people.
The New Broadband Opportunity
With a penetration rate reached 12.5%, then there are many populations that have not been able to access broadband services. Access to broadband services is still dominant in urban areas and have not thoroughly reach rural areas. The question is how broadband can reach a much wider area, eliminating the digital divide (digital divide) between urban areas - rural areas and be affordable for everyone?
Telkom as operators of broadband service providers have formulated a scenario TELKOM NEXT GENERATION - Nationwide BROADBAND NETWORK (NG-NBN) which is part of the scenario INSYNC 2014 (Indonesia Synchronous 2014). Telkom infrastructure that has been built to support broadband services in the Indonesian archipelago a fiber optic network (Telkom Super Highway) that connects all major islands in the archipelago with the implementation of the Palapa Ring, Jawa-Sumatra-Kalimantan/JASUKA, Java-Kalimantan-Sulawesi-Denpasar-Mataram , International Gateway (DMCS, TIS, dan AAG)."> / Jaka2ladema, Mataram Kupang Cable System / MKCS, Ring-Ring-1 to , International Gateway (DMCs, TIS, and AAG). Also there is a project - a project to improve broadband penetration such as the deployment of Wimax, Village Rang fastel USO, USO fastel Pinter village (has internet). With the deployment of the infrastructure as above expected backlog of providing broadband service availability that access issues can be resolved.
Moreover with the increasing need for large bandwidth and high mobility today, are the two things are the main challenges for telecommunication networks for many years that continue to be discussed and further developed. Because it was the start switch to optical cable transmission technology to get higher bandwidth using FTTH technology (Fiber to the home) technology for telecommunications replace copper wiring with fiber optics to residential areas. Installing FTTH technologies (fiber to the home) will develop the multimedia industry such as HDTV (High Definition TV), downloading music and videos, and teleconference services. This will have a major impact in the world economy and will provide a new emerging form of business in the technology sector. Network operators are expected to generate new profits (new margin) and can cover the cost of installation of the FTTH network deployment.
As an example that has been implemented by Telkom in otik based FTTH network deployment in the Housing Green Mansion is located in West Jakarta which is the concept of residential and office in the city center (capacity 470 shop and office) which is complete and modern, with a variety of facilities arranged and in design with a natural feel. Besides easy reach from all directions, as well as direct access toll resounding comfort and safety, making the Housing Green Mansion West Jakarta as one of the premium residential unparalleled.
The concept of smart building at 470 units in the Housing Green Mansion is a pilot project for the implementation of FTTH triple play service based in Indonesia, given the prospective residents are professional and of the business that require a variety of services. Initiative which began in late 2009 by the Division agreed on the use of technology Access FTTH (fiber to the home) by using a platform GPON (Gigabyte Passive Optical Network) which can support triple play service (high-speed Internet Access, Voice over Broadband / VoBB and IPTV ). This is in accordance with the roadmap INYNC 2014 to support the vision Broadband TELKOM which one of them is through the implementation of the Digital Environment Home deploying FTTC / FTTH using GPON MSAN & Technology that can deliver greater bandwidth to customers.
On the other hand to support high mobility in network services, WiMAX is the right solution because it has the bandwidth with high data rates (up to 70 MBps) and also the ability of WiMAX to serve its customers with a wider area as far as 50 miles with a maximum level of compatibility delivers the data with a high transfer rate. In terms of the current state of the communication process, WiMAX technology is able to serve the subscriber, who is in a position both Line Of Sight (positioning device - a device that wants to communicate is located within sight of the straight and free from any obstructions in front of it) with the BTS and which does not allow for it (Non - Line Of Sight). So no matter where its users are, as long as they fall into the coverage area of ??a BTS (Base Transceiver Stations), they may still be able to enjoy connections delivered by the BTS.
The combination of the benefits of broadband access anywhere with ease to open up opportunities for the emergence of new applications and sources of income. From the figure of 30 million is 1.4 million Internet users served by the Speedy is a high-speed broadband Internet access from Telkom. While the service from Telkomsel Flash has reached 2.2 million subscribers. Telkom will also undertake the commercialization of IPTV services at the end of this year. So that broadband Internet access to residential and offices in urban areas is no longer a issue, but how broadband internet access is available anywhere. Telkom continues to be committed to it how to ensure broadband connectivity anywhere.
Enabling Multimedia Revolution
The emergence of IPTV services and the multimedia revolution marked the beginning of a potential new revenue for telecom operators. IPTV is changing the direction of a two-way communication by offering seamless media interactivity, communication, convenience, entertainment and personalization. In terms of infrastructure development has been done to support broadband internet access has now exceeded the capacity and capability. The potential market for IPTV itself is believed as large as the broadband market and is predicted to be a mass market in the next few years.
Broadband Connectivity Gets Moving
Currently, access to broadband is mostly done through the pc desktop or laptop, but consumers looking for a way through the terminal connection (device) and the other under different circumstances either through a laptop or other mobile device while moving from place to place, while watching TV or while listening to MP3s. Besides, consumers also wantid always relate to family, friends and colleagues both at work and when have free time.
With the development of broadband technology today (Metro Ethernet Access ~ 10 Gb, Managed Layer 3 Switch ~ 1 Gb, GPON ONT ~ 70 Mb, GPON ONU-VDSL2 ~ 20 Mb, MSAN-ADSL2 + ~ 10 Mb) allows operators to offer broadband access internet with a variety of tools to communicate and enjoy multimedia services while on the move and anywhere with the same quality as in the home and office. Thus enabling increased productivity by providing access and information to customers.
Convergence Means Convenience