You have that correct but you left out Linda.
IPOOP totally manipulated the SIRG board - removing two SIRG long term investors as mods and replacing them with basher mods from the rival GDSM board. ADMIN banned 2 SIRG longs and restricted 3 with daily post limits. By removing and restricting SIRG longs the GDSM gangesters (over a dozen of them) were able to gain control and the fact that they attacked on a Sat only confirms how well this gangster attack was planned.
GDSM gangsters attacked the IPOOP SIRG board on July 21 with over 200 posts full of lies and false information, you know the R/S coming, etc.
I had been the head mod since Jan of 2011 and I was replaced by Warmy, now a mod on both the SIRG and GDSM boards. When I complained and demanded to know why, I was handcuffed and hauled off the prison for a week.
SIRG investors came to my defense and threatened to cancel their paid memberships. Money talks and I walked out free but they then restricted the number of posts I could make on my own board!
GDSM bashers are upset that their pinkie stinky has lost over 32% in the last 8 days of trading while SIRG has gained 11%.
SIRG's future mining operation at the Chloride Copper Mine in NW Arizona.
GDSM is still searching for gold in Skull Valley and finally got a permit to take 25 samples, each consisting of 2 five gallon buckets, or
one sample per 13 acres of their Arizona Land Trust Lease. No motorized equipment is allowed so their mining project will probably look like this.