Study of old well logs in Taylor County
There's two entries that struck me as interesting in these old well logs from the 1900's-1940's. One log from 1904 had a water well for a lunatic asylum. The other well from 1939 had a water well for gin.
Mackfish is from the area so maybe he was sipping water from both of these old wells.
In related speculation, I wonder if butterknife and this David A. Hallin character are connected if not one in the same. Butterknife has a real hard on for bashing the company that seems to go beyond 50 cents a post. Hallin was forced to resign from the firm years ago and is the first name that appears on this BS BK filing.
Maybe we can ask that question if he/they have the guts to show their face on June 12th.
It's Hammer Time!!!