This is a very exciting and developing company. While the company has interests in three businesses, the report primarily focuses on the recently announced intent to acquire Psoria-Shield which manufactures a medical device called Psoria-Light which is designed to treat a wide range of skin ailments including Psorias, Eczema, Vitiligo and a host of other ailments using UVB and UVA light.
Psoria-Light has enormous potential and is revolutionary in effectiveness and is considerably less dangerous than older competing solutions (including drug based). It additionally offers superior financial economics to medical practitioners and dermatologists. Priced at approximately $64,000, if the company were successful in selling one Psoria-Light® to just one in every ten members (10%) of the American Dermatological Association, gross domestic sales alone for the device would exceed the $100 million mark.
WCUI could soon start seeing some big volume activity. They have made two acquisitions which they will be closing on in the next few weeks and rumor has it a campaign may be coming soon.