Well stated, yes, agree I do. For me personally, too long being long enough happened to arrive at the year and a half mark in my RFMK investment. Each investor/trader must make his/her own buy/hold/sell decisions without influence from pumpers or bashers on internet forums.
Wasn't there a shareholder update a while back noting that all of these unfulfilled promises were allegedly going to happen within a month to two months? Remember I cannot but if I am not mistaken, those statements by the CEO were about a month ago, so perhaps the end of June is his own personal deadline for getting these corporate accomplishments completed. I remember back in mid Aug 2012 there was talk that fully reporting, 10K audit, uplisting, etc was "imminent" and it is now June 2013, so at some point RFMK followers must ask the obvious question as to if they were lied to or not. I still happen to think that its possible Allinder simply over-promised out of sheer excitement about the potential for the company going forward and then it turned out that it was much tougher to pass a real audit than was originally assumed. Then again, it is somewhat questionable why it takes over a year for a firm to do an audit on a micro cap company which only has a few thousand in revenues and a handful of product/inventory. I realize the sorted past of RFMK's corporate structure and past CEO's using the stock as their personal ATM likely made this process very difficult, but even so, it makes one question why there were such extreme delays. For the sake of shareholders, hopefully Mr Allinder will come through on promises, but holding my breath I am not. If those corporate goals ever come to fruition and legitimacy and credibility are restored and the balance sheet looks good and perhaps management shores up the share structure and cleans out ALL the skeletons and bats in the RFMK closet, perhaps, maybe, just maybe, investors can once again take another look at owning RFMK for the future potential in the vaporizer and MMJ marketing industry. All just my opinions, of course.