Insanants new deleted posts on icrap board!
1. This one was to fly since he was with us PUMPING TO DA MOON disappears and insiders are telling me he is the sole reason for posts being removed now.
Some people just don't seem to be putting the bigger picture together and decide to flip flop on the ICPA board daily. This news is yet another step in the right direction.
P.S, I am glad you are posting now instead of just deleting posts. You back in yet?
ICPA long and strong.
2. This one baffles me as its all on topic.
"I am Insanant and I agree with this message"
Come on people can we stop for one minute about dilution. Seriously I go on every IHUB board and all I read are posts about dilution. Lets be frank ALL companies diluted at one time or another. What has been going on is not dilution! ARCA is doing what they were paid to do and that is to load mass quantities of shares, throughout the day, which then in turn gets a T-Trade after hours. It has been going on for weeks. If the amount of shares ICPA were supposedly "dumping" or "diluting" we would have been sub penny a long time ago.
This forum has become nothing but lies and half truths and its getting old.
3. What I can't say bashers now at all? I don't see that in the TOS anywhere nor did I call anyone out.
This is exactly what would happen. I also think the TA will not be gagged after revenues start to really roll in.
I am Inanant and I agree with this message!
~Paid for by the ICPA against basher council.