Seems like we are always waiting for it to come... One man does not a company make. Been here long enough to hear it all from every angle and from almost every person involved. And none of it has added up correctly.
First we have this, then we have that, then that is going to happen, then we acquired this, then we don't have that, then we are better for this, and then that this fall, then that Q and the next Q... Really???
And I really like Steve, but I am calling it like I see it. And I am not alone here. Put ALL emotions aside and think about what has transpired and what is still transpiring... or lack of.
I hope things go right this time. Because all this faith can't continue without Investors getting something in return... Some ROI would be nice. Or even some foreseeable growth would go a long way to restoring some faith...
I have talked with some seasoned investors (from OTC to NYSE) and after 30 minutes of research, they advise me to sell and move on. So why do I still stay here? The answer I have always used was Steve Samblis. My faith in Steve has kept me here. And I have always said I will stay here into 2014. But I have also sold most of my shares and kept only a small portion of what I once had. I am about break even, which after 18 months is a waste of my time and the people that I got to buy into this. They are down about 80% on their investment.
Most everyone knows you shouldn't invest in Pink/OTC stocks. This one is the last one I will ever have an investment in! Trade it... Don't marry it! Such a great motto that I wish I would have taken heed to sooner...