Their false starts, overblown PR's and general mistakes also cost me .07, .06, .05, .04, .03/share which I forgive to a certain extent because I've been offered resticted shares at .01 and less to make up for those mistakes. The complaining will be over when Treaty performs. The PR that claimed "1000 BPD by June, 2012" was enough of a con job to get them a lawsuit and I almost filed it. Look at this PR dated 12/09/2011: . I get a kick how they said "Our technical team is in the process". The focking work was never started!!!!!
Our technical team is in the process of reworking, through a process of Gel Fracking, 5 wells on the Wooldridge leases in addition to drilling the 12 new wells. As of December 8, 2011 our working leases in Texas are producing 40-50 bpd, and upon completion of the 12 new wells we expect Texas production to exceed 250 bpd. Our investment banking team, headed by Bruce Gwyn and Lee Schlesinger , is currently working on a $1,450,000 9-Well funding that if successful should put us at our goal of 1000 BOPD by Mid-Year 2012.
Reid will tell you on the phone that they have yet to perform otherwise the PPS would never have hit .0088 a few weeks ago. IMO the verdict is still out and yet your claiming TECO is already successful. Talk to me in a month or three. I don't count my chickens before they hatch and I'm still very much in the red just like that statement above.