Response to E-Mail Regarding OODH SHARE STRUCTURE:
Hi Secco,
Yes, the share structure is pretty close to what it was last year ~ give or take +/- 300,000 on an O/S of 34, 113, 840
Our TA is not gagged, as many companies do that to hide what they are doing - we are actually rather transparent IMO!
Therefore, myself (or anyone else ) can call the TA and see if E-VC cleared any shares that might have increased the float. But I doubt it ... many early VC shareholders have locked their paper certificates in safety deposit boxes (NOT WITH BROKERS!). So those shares are not in the market and when those shares do enter the market, it will actually help us out by freeing up some dang shares for everyone else to trade with.
I can order the No-Bo list to find out exactly who owns what but that information is not public information and is actually confidential, so it will never be public information; as I would NEVER release particular shareholders positions, ownership dates or personal information to the masses.
Our ~ 2.5 Million shares float is lower than 95% of all PK companies that currently trade and that are DTC eligible. If you look at some companies they have 20 BILLION SHARES O/S and 5 BILLION FLOAT !!! Good luck on those share tossing companies ever succeeding without massive R/S, BK's , Dumping etc. (IMO of course).
At ORION DHC, Inc, we treat our shares like GOLD (Literally) - we don't just hand them out to friends to be cool and accepted! Lol
All OODH shares issued are Fully-Paid with CASH at PPM pricing, under contract to become Fully-Paid or if issued for services rendered the person receiving them has done actual work for the company to earn their shares (at the current RESTRICTED supplemental pps).
OODH affiliates own 30,800,000 shares which "control" the company; and these same shares are dedicated to issue out for additional acquisitions over the years. (It's part of the long-term strategy; our having so many shares).
We are not selling shares, so you will need to convince our early VC to let a few go. However, good luck with that... they know what they are holding.
Hope this helps
Randy Hoff
Chairman & CEO
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