I dont believe they were in danger of bankruptcy-the suits in which they were defendants in mexico were
1)govt sued to confiscate 45k tons of ore at port -see 6-25-12 and last pr- CWRN won that suit and thus the ore finally shipped
2) I gather from the cwrn complaint etc that the 2nd suit was connected w something illegal geo did in mex which could've have come down on cwrn's head-but if its what i think it is it would not have -geo-not cwrn would've been held responsible
I dont know why new controlling interest wrote pr as they did- it is not what bob would've written or explained--
as i said they obviously arent aware of how skittish pennytraders are- it wasnt just finances-it was the limitation of cwrns ability to communicate w stock holders as interpreted by their legal counsel due to sec action, as cwrn told us at the beginning of the blackout last summer and so many other non financial things also, baggage from the sec doj which I've tried to explain
doj fined the heck out of bob and combed thru his personal finances and prohibited him from raising money from the usual sources to pay those things and live-so he was being strangled not only in communication,which he had previously enjoyed,but was strangled in his personal finances, almost forcing him to sell
re the court case and the hearing june 7 where court could/ can award cwrn everything they were asking for we will have to wait til we hear some more which we will-dd doesnt end today